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Is it ok if the back of ear is convex after Facelift?

Surgery Luna Posting update : 2022.05.11

Facelift is effective in removing overall facial wrinkles.

The incision starts from the area above the ear and goes along the front to the back of the ear. However, some people ask why in some cases the back of the ear becomes convex after surgery.

Is it ok for the back of the ear to stay convex? When will it be okay?

After the facelift, the back of the ear may become temporarily convex and hard. In addition, it happens not only after a Face lift but other surgeries where the incision is made.

This will improve over time. It's not something to be very concerned about. However, if the back of the ear is severely swollen or gets red, it is recommended to consult directly with the surgeon. It can be improved with prescribed medicine.

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