
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Improve sagging lip corners with Botox

Surgery Luna Posting update : 2022.08.22

If the corners of your lips are sagging, you can naturally raise them with surgery or procedures. However, if some clients are either afraid of surgery or do not have spare time, we recommend doing Botox treatment.

Before taking wedding photos or if you are working in a service sector, you can easily improve the drooping corners of your lips.

The lips have muscles that lower the corners of the mouth. If the muscle is excessive, the corners of the mouth may sag. If Botox is injected into the sagging area, the corners of the mouth will naturally lift.

Botox on the mouth corners lasts for about 3 to 6 months depending on the product. It is important to get a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon before the procedure to create more balanced looking lips.

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