
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Can you have Upper blepharoplasty in your 30s?

Surgery Ann Posting update : 2022.09.07

Upper blepharoplasty is a highly effective operation that improves the drooping eyelids. This is a necessary surgery if your eyelids sag and your vision is getting obscured.

Even though your eyelids are drooping, you may wonder if Upper blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that you have to undergo only when you are older. Can you have upper eyelid surgery even in your 30s?

Upper eyelid surgery can be performed regardless of age if you notice eyelid sagging. The eyelids are the most mobile parts of the face, therefore the eyelid skin ages the fastest. There are cases in which Upper eyelid surgery is performed even for patients in their late 20s.

Before getting surgery, please consult with your plastic surgeon to decide on the most suitable surgery method.

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