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How long does the effect of Thread Lift last?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2022.12.29

Some people are concerned about facial aging due to skin sagginess. Which procedure would be the best among non-surgical methods that give an immediate face lifting effect? Thread lift is a quick and effective facial lifting method that has a fast recovery period. How long does the effect from Thread lift last?

Thread lift is a simple procedure that lifts the skin. There are various types of threads, but The Up Thread Lift is a mesh type thread lift. The threads are inserted under the skin with the help of 0,5cm incision in hairline near the temples. PDO threads are dissolvable and the effect lasts for a while even after they dissolve completely.

The maintenance period varies depending on the patient's individual characteristic. The duration effect is about 1 year to 1 year and 6 months.

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