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Do not Apply Hot or Cold Compresses After Fat Grafting

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2023.06.19

Fat grafting is effective in creating facial volume naturally with your own fat.

However, it is advisable that you avoid applying hot or cold compresses after a fat grafting. Why is that?

If you apply compresses after fat grafting, the engraftment rate of the transplanted fat decreases due to temperature changes. Therefore, you should avoid doing so.

Pumpkin porridge or pumpkin juice can help reducing the swelling after fat grafting. Foods made from pumpkin can enhance the diuretic effect, flushing wastes out of your body.

The fat grafting area may look unnatural because of swelling during 1 week after surgery but will gradually get better over time. That’s why you do not have to worry to much about swelling after surgery.

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