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Do Threads Break after a Thread Lift?

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2024.05.21

Thread lift is a popular procedure known for effectively lifting sagging cheeks and reducing wrinkles around the mouth and jawline. It is favored for its relatively short treatment time and the lack of required post-operative care.

However, some people considering a thread lift wonder if the threads can break and if it is safe to open the mouth widely after the procedure. Do the threads break?

Threads usually do not break after the procedure. However, their strength may be significantly weakened depending on the type of threads used. The effect varies greatly based on the thread type.

At She's Plastic Surgery clinic, mesh-type threads called "The Up Thread" are used. These threads pull a wider area of skin tissue compared to single threads, resulting in a more natural lifting effect. Additionally, mesh-type threads, consisting of three single threads, are more effective as they can pull and lift a larger area.

After a thread lift procedure, it is important to carefully follow post-operative instructions. Avoid applying pressure and performing meridian massages on the treated area.

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