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Lower Blepharoplasty and Fine Lines on the eyes

Surgery 김선희 2024.05.21



Lower Blepharoplasty is effective for removing sagging under-eye wrinkles or eyebags.


There are inquireis if Lower Blepharoplasty can also improve fine lines around the eyes. Unfortunately, the fine lines would not get significantly improved through the Lower Blepharoplasty.






Lower Blepharoplasty involves making a long incision below the eyelashes to remove sagging skin and fat. At the same time, the inner tissues around the eyes are fixed to the orbital periosteum. This surgery is necessary for improving under-eye wrinkles and comples issues on the eyebags.



For fine lines around the eyes, Botulinum Toxin injection could be effective, whereas a combination of Botulinum Toxin and Filler injection could help to improve the appearance of deeper wrinkles around the eye.



Eye wrinkles | Surgery | She's Plastic Surgery (



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