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Lifting Ultra: Enhance Your Skin Elasticity

Non-surgical 아잉 Posting update : 2024.05.24

We are excited to introduce our Lifting Ultra package, a combination of V-RO and Ultracol. This package excels at lifting the skin and improving overall facial volume, resulting in enhanced skin elasticity.

V-RO uses ultrasound and high-frequency waves to effectively lift saggy skin. After the procedure, the uncomfortable feeling of loose skin will disappear, your skin will become tighter, and your face will appear more defined. Best of all, these results are attained without pain.

Ultracol, on the other hand, is a skin booster that enhances collagen production and supports the skin’s self-renewal capacity. It also improves skin volume and elasticity.

With the Lifting Ultra procedure, you will notice immediate tone-up effects. Your skin will look vibrant and bright.

What are you waiting for? Experience more elastic and vital skin with our Lifting Ultra package today!
