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Solution for both upper and lower eyelid wrinkles

Surgery 김선희 Posting update : 2024.06.07



To improve wrinkles both upper and lower eyelids together, we perform upper blepharoplasty and lower belpharoplasty concurrently. We delicately remove wrinkles above the eyes and below the eyes by redistributing irregular fat to create uniformity below the eyes. The recovery period after surgery is about five days, and swelling may persist for about a week after the surgery. Since both wrinkles above and below the eyes are removed together, there may be a temporary feeling of tightness in the skin after surgery, but it gradually improves over time.





Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty to treat the eye wrinkles are one of the representative surgeries at She's Plastic Surgery. Many foreign customers as well as Residents in Korea, visit us to improve wrinkles in the eye areas. This combination surgery is specially prepared for foreigners who hope for medical tourism. During the treatment period, you can stay near the clinic and enjoy simple shopping and sightseeing. A native interpreter from She's Plastic Surgery will assist you from pre-arrival consultation to aftercare upon you return. Please visit us without any worries.



Eye wrinkles | Surgery | She's Plastic Surgery (



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