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Improving Facial Skin Condition Through Surgical Method

Surgery 이나연 Posting update : 2024.07.13



When aging progresses in people over 50, it often leads to a decrease in skin elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

It is important to fundamentally improve sagging skin and facial wrinkles.






If the skin has already undergone significant changes due to aging, a Face lift can be an effective method for a substantial lift of sagging skin.

Face lift surgery is recommended for cases where there is significant sagging of the skin overall. The incision starts from the hairline above the ear, follows the contour of the ear, and


ends behind the ear. After the surgery, sagging cheeks, the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds, and the chin area are improved. The tightening of the skin and the fascia of the facial


muscles allows the effects to last for a long time.


Face lift surgery allows the surgical area to be hidden by hair during the recovery period, making the scars less visible compared to eye surgery.



Surgery I Face lift I  She’s Plastic Surgery


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#wrinkles #lifting #anti aging #wrinkles removal#face lift #

