
We do our best in providing online consultation as well



Non-surgical O********** 2024-05-24 o********************

Hi, I am in Busan until Sunday and I would like to have a consultation with a doctor followed by treatment for expression wrinkles especially on my forehead and looking at the option to reduce fat around the chin. I selected the botox injection and jaw line injection but open to discuss other non surgical treatments if the doctor recommends so. Do you have some availability tomorrow or Sunday for an appointment? Thanks Olfa

Thank you for contacting us.

We will be in touch with your via Whatsapp with the number provided!
Kindly send us the message to +82 10 3512 0787, if you are using Whatsapp with another number.



Thanking you,

Sunny Kim

She's Plastic Surgery

4-5th Floor, 73 Gwangbok-ro, Jung-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea

T. +82 51 710 0788

M. +82 10 3512 0787