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Where the fat gets harvested for Fat Grafting surgery

Surgery 김선희 Posting update : 2024.05.11



Fat grafting is effective in providing naturual volume to the face. During consultations for fat grafting, customers wonder why it is necessary to harvest fat specifically from the thighs or abdomen.



The primary reason for harvesting fat from the abdomen and thighs during fat grafting is 'viability'. The fat in the abdomen and thighs is large and firm. Firm fat leads to less damage to fat cells during the harvesting process. With less damage to fat cells, the viability naturally increases.






However, for those with overall thin bodies, it may be challenging to harvet fat from the thighs or abdomen. In such cases, fat can be harvested from relatevely fatty areas like the buttoms. If that is also difficult, other procedures may be recommended.



It is advisable to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon and decide on the most suitable surgical approach after thorough discussion before fat grafting.



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