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V-line slimming with Botox injection

Non-surgical Ria Posting update : 2021.08.16

Many patients desire to have a more V-shaped feminine jawline. If you think that your jawline is too wide and square-shaped, there is a Botox injection that can significantly improve your jawline. The Botox treatment can correct the asymmetry in jaw muscles and reduce their size. How does Botox reduce the size of the jaw muscles?

Botox has a unique ability to relax the masseter or so-called chewing muscles and make them shrink in size as well as look much slimmer. Your jawline will look more defined, softened, making your appearance more soft and feminine. It is a non-painful risk-free procedure that doesn’t leave any swelling. You may need a second session 6 months after the first treatment.

Before getting the treatment, we recommend you do make sure you talk to your doctor about the expected results. The result may depend on facial features and individual characteristics. Moreover, after the treatment, you need to thoroughly follow post-procedure instructions. It is advised not to drink alcohol and visit the sauna on the day of the treatment.
