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Should I need to put sunscreen inside?

Laser Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.03



It is already the last month of spring. It means that hot and sweltering summer is coming. During the season changes, we must pay even closer attention to skincare.



Many people are well aware that they must regularly apply sunscreen to protect the skin from UV lights. However, few people know that they need to wear sunblock even when they stay indoors.



During the corona pandemic, each of us constantly ventilates the rooms by opening and closing the windows. When we open the windows, UV lights enter the room. Therefore, we have to put on sunblock despite being inside. Sunscreen is also a must when one works in a place with much lighting. It is because electric light also contributes to skin damage.





Theoretically, it is desirable to reapply sunscreen every 4~5 hours. However, if your skin is more of an oily type, it is vital to choose a sunscreen with ample moisturizing components.



Otherwise, it may cause skin break-outs and acne due to the water-oil misbalance.



Lastly, it is crucial to bear in mind that these small daily steps will make your skin healthier and more glowing. If you love and take care of your skin, it also loves you back.


