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Will Laser liposuction make my skin saggy?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.09.08

You must have heard before about a surgical method of Liposuction. It is an invasive method that removes much fat tissue from such areas as the abdomen, sides, thighs, back, and arms. However, there is a mild method of liposuction that is administered on the facial areas. It is called Laser liposuction. The main reason it is called Laser liposuction is that it uses laser energy to dissolve excessive and stubborn fat tissue. However, some people are concerned about skin sagging after the operation.

Laser liposuction doesn’t cause skin sagging. Laser liposuction removes only the excess fatty tissues. When the fat is removed, the skin bounces back and tightens on its own. The skin starts to firm up within a couple of weeks after the surgery. Additionally, it is advised to wear a compression face wrap for 3 to 6 months to improve the effect of the procedure.

One of the advantages of Laser liposuction is its mild technique of dissolving fat that requires minimal effort on the part of the patient. The recovery period is relatively short, and the operation will not interfere with your daily activities. The laser energy penetrates fat cells and dissolves them. The dissolved fat is carefully extracted from the treatment area.

One or two treatments are enough for the removal of excessive fat. No downtime is required. However, the stitches will be removed on the 3rd day after the surgery.
