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Do I Need to Use Scar Gel after Lower Blepharoplasty?

Surgery 아잉 Posting update : 2023.12.22

Lower blepharoplasty, also known as lower eyelid surgery, involves making a long incision under the eyelashes to remove saggy skin and fat under the eyes.

Since incisions are made during this surgery, you will be prescribed a scar ointment or scar gel. When should you start using the scar gel, and how long should you keep using it?

It's best to begin applying Contractubex scar gel 2-3 weeks after the stitches are removed. If you put it on earlier, you might feel a tingling at the surgical site.

The scar ointment is recommended to be applied for 3 to 6 months, and the scars typically fade away after 6 months.

After lower blepharoplasty, you also need to apply Steri strips to the ends of the incisions for 3 weeks. It's a good idea to continue using Steri strips for at least 3 months, even while you sleep.

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