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How can I lose stubborn belly fat?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2021.05.10

Many women develop excess fat specifically in the upper and lower abdomen area, sides, and thighs. Many factors can affect this condition: excessive weight gain, childbirth, and genetics. It is widely known that abdominal fat is the most resistant area to exercise and diet, making people feel insecure about their appearances. The excess fat increases your waistline causing many concerns for patients.

However, you can achieve great results in treating the abdominal fat and tummy aprons with surgical liposuction. This procedure will make you have a more hourglass profile. What’s more, this kind of operation doesn’t require general anesthetic, hospitalization, and scarring of the treatment area.

Liposuction of the abdominal area is a safe and minimally invasive procedure. The operation takes anywhere from 2-3 hours, depending on the amount of fatty tissue that is needed to be removed. The incisions are only 5mm long and can be placed in the bikini line areas and belly button. The operation requires the preliminary numbing of the treatment areas. Then the fat is suctioned out of the abdomen and sides.

If you have significantly saggy skin, it is advised to combine Liposuction with the Abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin.

Even though you won’t be hospitalized after the surgery, there will be mild swelling and bruising for 1-2 weeks. You will be required to wear a compression garment for 3-6 months to decrease swelling and get the best result from the operation.

With Liposuction, you can improve your self-confidence by shaping your body the way you want to. You will look more fit with an attractive body shape.
