
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Nose job: Narrowing a wide nose

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.06.14



Rhinoplasty is a medical term for a “nose job.” It is a common cosmetic procedure to narrow a wide nose, alter nose shape and angle.



The surgery of narrowing a wide nose entails fixing the tip of the nose along with reducing the size of nostrils.



Before the surgery, one has a consultation with the surgeon to discuss the expected results of the surgery. It is important to tell the doctor one’s preferences and desired result.





It is recommended to stop taking blood-thinning medication, alcohol, or smoking before the surgery.



Then the patient is given anesthesia: local and IV sedation. It means that he or she will not be unconscious. They might feel numbness on the nose during the whole surgical process.



The surgeon will excise the tissues from the nostrils by making an incision below the nose tip. Since the incision is not a big one, there will not be any scarring visible after the surgery.



After the nose job surgery, one must take all the prescribed medications (antibiotics) and follow post-surgery guidelines. They include avoiding exercises, touching, or rubbing the nose.



Also, one must try to sleep on a back with a high pillow to prevent any possible trauma or pressure on the nose.


