
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


How long does the filler injection last?

Surgery Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.08.24



Filler injection is a cosmetic procedure that naturally corrects the sunken parts of the body, usually the face, by adding volume. Many people do filler hollow eyelids, low nose bridge, smile lines and etc.



However, the effectiveness of the fillers depends on which part of the body fillers are injected. Do you want to know why that is?





Usually, when we make a facial expression, we often use our nasolabial folds and the eyelid skin is also very thin. Therefore, the fillers get absorbed faster in these areas than the cheeks or nose bridge.



Before undergoing any cosmetic procedures, we strongly recommend that you get a consultation with a board-certified specialist who will be able to explain all the details of the procedure.


