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How to reduce glabellar lines?

Non-surgical Editor Nick Posting update : 2021.10.26



Before we discuss the methods of minimizing glabellar lines, let us define what glabella is.



Glabella is a part of the body located between the eyebrows and nose. When we frown, smile, or make other facial expressions, the glabella is moved because of the muscles.



As time passes, you might notice some lines or wrinkles appear on the glabellar area. That is why lines on the glabella are called “glabellar lines”. A more common expression for this term is “forehead furrows”.





There are many treatments to prevent the appearance and improve the glabellar lines. One of the treatments available at our clinic is Botox injections.



Botox is one of the most popular injections that temporarily blocks the muscles and smoothes facial wrinkles.



It is a pretty simple procedure that is done, outpatient. It takes 5~10 minutes to get the treatment done.



You can notice the effect after 3~5 days. Depending on the product, the efficacy of Botox injections might last from 3~6 months.
