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How to treat nasolabial folds?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2022.04.12

Nasolabial folds are wrinkles that extend from the edge of the nose to the mouth corner areas. As people age, these kinds of wrinkles get more prominent. Nasolabial folds are impossible to prevent since they form for almost everyone from a very early age.

If you wish to eliminate nasolabial folds, you can get an injective treatment. One of the most prominent ones is dermal fillers. They get injected under the skin making the wrinkles less noticeable. The dose may vary depending on the depth of wrinkles. Though filler injections can’t fully eliminate noticeable wrinkles, they help to make them less prominent.

We recommend getting the treatment with HA-based filler injections such as Amalian and Juvederm. They are safe, fully reversible, and dissolvable with time.

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