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How many times should I get fat grafting?

Surgery Ria Posting update : 2022.04.12

Fat grafting is a surgical procedure that removes extra fat cells from the thighs or abdominal area and gets reimplanted into the area where it is needed. It restores volume and removes wrinkles with the patient’s own fat. Many patients wonder if 1 session of fat grafting is enough.

After the fat grafting, a part of the fat tissue may not survive within several months. This is due to the reabsorption of the fat by the body. Therefore you may lose some of the volumes. Most of the time it is needed to get 2-3 sessions with the interval of 3 to 6 months. Injecting too much fat may lead to the appearance of bumps. Therefore it is recommended to get several fat grafting sessions with a moderate amount of fat over the interval of several months.

It is important for patients to avoid losing weight after the procedure to ensure a long-lasting result. Patients should avoid doing hard sports for 3-4 weeks after the surgery.

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