
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Can I have several cosmetic surgeries at once?

Surgery mane Posting update : 2022.04.25



When customers come for a plastic surgery consultation, they often ask if they can undergo several plastic surgeries at once in one day or if it is necessary to have surgeries one by one.



Our plastic surgeon recommends that patients undergo several cosmetic procedures at once. The reason is that when each surgery is done separately, it might be hard to achieve harmony among different parts of the body.





For example, if one has done either eyes or nose, only their eyes or nose will look corrected and beautiful. Therefore, it is important to get all the surgeries (if several surgeries are recommended) at once.



Also, each surgery regardless of its complexity involves a certain recovery period. Considering these two factors above, we can recommend that one undergo the several cosmetic procedures on one day.



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