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My Eyes Feel Heavy after Forehead Botox

Non-surgical 아잉 2023.07.19

Forehead Botox is effective in improving the appearance of fine forehead wrinkles.

However, many patients contacted us saying that they found it difficult to open their eyes and their forehead felt heavy after a forehead Botox injection. What can you do in this situation?

There is a possibility of having a heavy sensation in the treated area if it is your first forehead Botox experience. This sensation causes more discomfort to those who have the habit of using the forehead muscle frequently.

Fortunately, this feeling is temporary, and the treated area will gradually become natural after about 1 month. If you feel too uncomfortable, using a warm compression can help.

#Shesplasticsurgery #Busanplasticsurgery #Nampodongplasticsurgery #foreheadbotox
