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What Affects the Longevity of Dermal Fillers?

Non-surgical 아잉 Posting update : 2024.03.13

Dermal fillers are renowned for their ability to replenish lost volume in the face and diminish the appearance of deep wrinkles.

However, even when utilizing identical filler products, the longevity of results can fluctuate based on the treated area. What factors contribute to this discrepancy?

The duration of fillers hinges on various factors, including skin condition and the degree of movement in the treated area.

For instance, regions with thin skin, such as the eyelids, or those subject to frequent motion, like the nasolabial folds, often experience faster absorption of fillers by the body, leading to shorter-lasting results.

On the other hand, areas with minimal movement, such as the nasal bridge or cheeks, typically exhibit a prolonged duration of effect.

Given these nuances, selecting the appropriate filler for the specific treated area becomes imperative.

Before undergoing filler treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the most suitable injectable for your needs.

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