
Easy and Accurate information about Plastic surgery


Language barrier, the crucial factor in Medical Tourism

Surgery 김선희 Posting update : 2024.03.18



Language barrier, it would be the first concern when you plan any surgery or treatment outside of your country. Nothing can start if there is no undertanding between you and the medical staffs. Even the limited understanding would cause you being anxious and frustrating, especially when you have put lots of effort to make the visit.



Thus it is very importatnt to check if there is any interpretation service at the clinic that you plan to get the treatment when you consider the Medical Tourism.






There should be a professional interpreter when it comes to Medical Interpretation as it requires a proper understanding of the procedure with many terminologies. The limitations in medical knowledge cause the lack of information passed to the customers.



It also matters when you return to your country after the procedure. There should be a capability to communicate as promptly as possible for any post-surgery concerns.






At She's Plastic Surgery, we have native speaking interpreters available on site, or Korean interpreters who have enough experience in the field of dedicated languages. They therefore have not only the language skills but also have full understanding with being familiar with the cultures.



The interpretations service covers the pre-surgery consultation, on-site consultation, in the operation room, and post-surgery inquiries. She's Plastic Surgery offers the interpretation service in six languages: Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Mongolian, Vietnamese, and English. We assure you that it would be a pleasant experience to have the treatments, possibly even better than your own countries. Thank you.



   Editor_sunny 김선희